Business: How To Move Forward Despite Obstacles

Lia Tutt, PA
1 min readSep 26, 2020

When setbacks come or you don’t know how to progress to a higher level, then it’s time to analyze your business. Answer these 6 questions to get started toward more profits.

  1. Is there an opportunity in the problem if you make adjustments to match the change in trends?
  2. Is your cashflow consistent or do you need to increase your money managing?
  3. Are you consistently marketing, measuring the results, and making adjustments as needed?
  4. Are you being productive or distracted by tasks that really don’t help you toward your business goals?
  5. Are you so overwhelmed that you should outsource some of your regular tasks, or hire someone?
  6. Is your bookkeeping up to date so you can better plan your hiring, purchases, and marketing.

Look at all of these areas and see where you can improve. Implemening systems for the above ideas will help you run a more efficient, forward moving business.




Lia Tutt, PA

Accountant, Business Consultant, Author of Building Wealth Through Challenges. FREE Report Business tips: